Finger Temperature Deviation

Useful to Know About Finger Temperature Deviation: 

Definition: Finger temperature deviation is a measurement of body temperature taken by the Inspiring® smart ring while you sleep. It shows the change in body temperature compared to an average of previous sleep measurements. This can help identify subtle changes in the body that may indicate stress, illness, or hormonal fluctuations. 

Individual baseline

  • Each person’s finger temperature baseline is unique. This means that small changes can have different meanings depending on the individual. 
  • Tracking changes in your own finger temperature over time can provide valuable 

insights into your health and well-being. 

Normal variation

  • Body temperature naturally varies from night to night. 
  • Deviations of up to 1°C (1.8°F) from the baseline are common and not necessarily a cause for concern. 

Influencing factors: Finger temperature can be influenced by several factors, including: 

  • Diet: Especially the intake of spicy or hot food before bed can affect body 


  • Exercise: Intense exercise can cause a temporary increase in body temperature, especially if performed close to bedtime. 
  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol can affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature efficiently. 
  • Physiological factors such as the menstrual cycle: For women, temperature 

can fluctuate during different phases of the menstrual cycle. 

  • Illness: Fever or other infections can lead to higher finger temperature. 
  • Sleep environment: Factors such as room temperature, bedding, and humidity 

can also affect measurements. 

Health insights

  • Significant deviations in finger temperature can provide insights into how your body is responding to various influences. 
  • For example, an increase in temperature may indicate the onset of illness or inflammation. This can be useful for detecting health issues early, before symptoms appear.